November is the month of the ‘Mo, we’re looking to raise awareness for men’s mental health, testicular & prostate cancer. A-FRAME Brewing Co. is looking for team members to help join the fight and have some fun raising some funds.
Our plan is for this to become an annual campaign, and we want your help to make it a success! Throughout the month, A-FRAME Brewing Co. will donate 0.25$/per growler fills on Saturdays & Sundays in support of our Mo'vember team!
We are hosting a casual, get to know your team members event on November 1st at 6pm. This will be a great time to join the team, get to know each other and have a beer on us. If you want, stick around after for our first Men's Sip & Strech too - we are all about men's health this month!
Throughout the month, as our moustaches really start to fill out, we’ll be looking to reach out to the community, get the conversation started and hopefully get the donation train chugging towards our goal.
We will then close out the event by hosting an everyone welcome, team shave-down party on December 1st. Details to follow, but there’ll be judging for best/worst moustache and much hoisting of pints. You’ve got to give the ‘stache one last lick at filtering foam before the bristles are all gone!
Don't delay - join our team : A-FRAME Movember Teamor login in to donate and support your favourite guy and his stache!
For additional details or enquiries please email our team captain Jeff at and be sure to follow our Movember Ambassador, Malcolm Sea to Sky Beer Guy!